
PAY Foundation: Political Parties' Justifications for Postponing Elections Are Not Logical

Jun 6, 2024  |   هەواڵەکانی پەی 

Khandan -

The PAY Foundation announced that the last term of the Kurdistan Parliament has become a creator of crises and is considered the weakest term ever. Political parties continue to generate excuses for not holding elections, but their justifications are illogical because the main reason is their loss of public trust. Therefore, the President of the Kurdistan Region must exercise his powers regarding this issue and prevent the region's stability and the Kurdistan election process from falling into jeopardy.

In a report published by the PAY Foundation for Education and Development, it is noted that 32 years ago, the first democratic process in the region began, and the people of Kurdistan stepped towards the ballot boxes with hope for a better future. However, over time, this dream has been shattered. The high institution has become weaker, more corrupt, and more forgotten year after year, day by day growing more incompetent in performing its legislative duties and overseeing the execution of powers.

The Kurdistan Parliament Has Become a Creator of Crises

The PAY Foundation’s report indicates that instead of being a remedy for the crises of the Kurdish people, the Kurdistan Parliament has, in its final days, become a creator of crises and is considered the weakest term ever. Despite the forward movement of the times and the changes in the era, during its four-year term, the parliament held the fewest sessions, passed the fewest laws, conducted almost no oversight of executive authority, engaged in the most policy negligence, and committed the most legal violations.

Currently, the Kurdistan Parliament Should Have Completed Eight Terms

According to the report, the Kurdistan Parliament should have completed eight terms by now and started its ninth, but it has only completed five terms, with three terms overdue. This means 12 years are overdue, and the sixth term elections are still undecided, with no clear date for when they will take place.

Political Parties Have Always Made Excuses for Postponements

The PAY Foundation noted that political parties have always made excuses for postponements, but their justifications have not been logical because the primary reason is internal conflict, power struggles, and loss of public support. Thus, they have resorted to delays to maintain their hold on power.

None of the Election Processes Were Conducted on Time

The report clarifies that none of the election processes have been conducted on time, and political parties have not adhered to the law or been prepared to relinquish power. Instead, with the help of force, money, and foreign support, they have tried to maintain their hold on power.

Opposition Forces Had the Power to Confront, But Not the Strategic Strength

The PAY Foundation explains that the parliament’s experience in the region has been shaped by party strategy, with each term regressing. Conversely, the opposition forces, although having the power to confront, lacked strategic strength, and thus lacked the commitment and promises needed to mobilize their supporters during election times.

The President of the Region Must Coordinate Between Federal and Regional Authorities

The PAY Foundation’s report on election postponements was sent as a memorandum to the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region, stating that under Article 1 of the 2005 law of the Kurdistan Region Presidency, the president represents the region internally and externally. The President of the Region is responsible for coordinating between federal and regional authorities.

The President is Responsible for Maintaining Public Safety

According to the law, if the Kurdistan Region, its political system, public safety, or constitutional institutions are threatened, the President is responsible for their protection. At the same time, they are bound to ensure that elections are held on time and provide a safe environment for conducting them.

The Political Process in the Kurdistan Region is Now Passing Through a Dangerous and Precarious Situation

In its memorandum to the President of the Region, the PAY Foundation stated that the political process in the Kurdistan Region is now passing through a dangerous and precarious situation, with the foundations of governance under threat due to the lack of alignment between regional and federal authorities and under the watchful eye of Iraq. The situation risks pulling the Kurdistan Region back into isolation, something that cannot be ignored, and political forces, especially the PUK and KDP, are responsible for this as they continue to play their games.

The KDP Has Now Directly Boycotted with Various Excuses

It has been noted that while the PUK had different excuses for postponing elections in the past, now the KDP has directly boycotted with various excuses, pushing the region into chaos and tension in relations, raising the likelihood of escalation, and increasing internal and external pressure on the region.

Continuation of This Situation Will Lead to the Downfall of the Kurdistan Government

It is highlighted that the continuation of this situation will lead to the downfall of the Kurdistan Government. Furthermore, any attempts to unify the constitution in Iraq could turn into a de facto scenario, where Kurds will no longer have the power to resist and will be filled with regret, risking the very existence of a unified political entity in Southern Kurdistan.

It Is Your Duty as the President of the Region to Exercise Your Authority

The PAY Foundation tells the President of the Kurdistan Region, "To avoid this dangerous situation, it is your duty as the President to exercise your authority and take responsibility. Approach every incident and party with caution, ensuring that the integrity of the region is not harmed and that the experience does not face threats. Elections should not be pushed into a closed tunnel.”

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