
About Pay Foundation

The Pay Foundation for Education and Development is a scientific, independent, non-governmental Kurdish organization. It has its own legal personality and operates independently in terms of administration and finances according to the law. The foundation works with a progressive vision for the public benefit, aiming for an advanced governance system across all fields and levels.

The Pay Foundation was established on 26/11/2013 by the Directorate of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) of the Kurdistan Regional Government under the name "Pay Foundation for Education and Development" with the code 1406. Later, on 20/2/2022, it was formally registered with the Directorate of NGOs of the Iraqi Federal Government in Baghdad under the number 1ES2202020 as the "Pay Foundation for Education and Development."

Following its expanded activities and integration of various operations, on 5/3/2024, it was re-registered with the Directorate of NGOs of the Iraqi Federal Government and, on 12/5/2014, with the Directorate of NGOs of the Kurdistan Regional Government, officially becoming the "Pay Foundation for Education and Development."

The Pay Foundation aims to contribute constructively through scientific research and strategy to improve the educational, legal, health, economic, and various other sectors of governance in the Kurdistan region. It strives to be a genuine partner and bridge to connect communities for building a civil, peaceful, and prosperous society in the Kurdistan region.

Major Projects and Activities:

  • In 2014, the "Project for Preventing Dropouts in the Kurdistan Region" was conducted in partnership with the "International Cooperation for Human Rights" organization.
  • In 2014-2015, the "Project for Cooperation between Civil Society Organizations and Higher Education Institutions in the Kurdistan Region" was carried out, supported by the "Directorate of NGOs of the Kurdistan Regional Government."
  • Since 2015, with the support of the American Democracy Support Fund (NED), the "Project for Monitoring and Evaluating the Kurdistan Parliament" has been ongoing.
  • In 2017, in cooperation with the Norwegian People's Aid (NPA), the "Project for Vocational Education in Sulaymaniyah and Halabja Provinces" was implemented.
  • In 2017, in collaboration with the Reform Institute for Development (RID), the "Project for Non-Governmental Education between Quality and Commerce" was executed, supported by the Norwegian NPA.
  • From 2014 to 2024, several reports on the Ministry of Education of the Kurdistan Region have been published as part of the Foundation’s monitoring efforts.
  • From 2014 to 2024, multiple reports on the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Region have been released.
  • In 2021, supported by the National Democratic Institute (NDI), the "Project for Monitoring the Implementation of Family Tax Policies in the Kurdistan Region" was completed.

Principles and Values:

  • Agreements and conventions related to human rights, particularly in research, science, and education.
  • Democracy and respect for the rule of law.
  • Voluntary work, human cooperation, and public interest.
  • Independence, scientific and academic thinking, transparency, autonomy, honesty, tolerance, and non-discrimination.
  • Cooperation, partnership, providing equal opportunities, gender balance, gaining the trust of beneficiaries, responsibility, and protecting personal privacy and confidentiality.

  Internal Charter of the Pay Foundation 


Founding members of the PAY Foundation of Education and Development


dserwerDr. Sarwar Abdulrahman Omar
Dr.Sarwar Abdulrahman Omar








Baban Jafar Hama
Baban Jafar Hama








Honer Ehmed Hosin
Honer Ehmed Hosin







Members of the administrative Staff of the PAY Foundation of Education and Development


Dr. Sarwar Abdulrahman Omar. 
Mobile: 009647701564576. 
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 009647701564576. 
Email: [email protected]
Degree: PhD in History. 
Tel: 009647701564576. 
Email: [email protected]  




Arez Dara Jalal Hafid
Position: Media Manager
[email protected]